1 min read

Lower Central America phylogeography: review paper gets 100 views in 2 days on Academia.edu!

Hopefully, it is a sign that your new paper is going to get cited when it starts getting attention immediately after it becomes available online. This appears to be happening with our new review of the phylogeographic  literature from the lower Central American Neotropics, entitled “Phylogeography and biogeography of the lower Central American Neotropics: diversification between two continents and between two seas” (Bagley & Johnson 2014, Biological Reviews).  

I just put this paper up on Academia.edu and its gotten 100 views in just two days (see screenshots below)! Thanks to everyone who has shown interest in our paper!  I hope you like it (and cite it)!  


Academia.edu first 100 views in 2 days LCA review
